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keywords: anagen, catagen, telogen.


Late stage

In the late stage of the disease, the inflammation decreases and numerous miniaturized hair follicles and telogen follicles are present. The number of miniaturized follicles increases with chronicity and these may simulate hair follicles in late anagen stage. Such hairs are found in the middle or upper dermis and have been described as nanogen. They represent an intermediate stage between vellus and terminal anagen hair follicles. In horizontal sections there is generally no hair shaft production although occasionally a very thin incompletely keratinized form is produced, correlating with empty infundibula seen on the scalp (Fig. 22.72). In vertical sections the proximal end of the hair shaft acquires a ragged appearance rather than the normal club shape. They can sometimes display histological features of anagen, catagen, and telogen phases simultaneously with evidence of growth and involution in the form of mitotic activity and apoptosis.



Fig. 22.72 Alopecia areata, nanogen hair: the hair shaft shows a decrease in the thickness of the epithelial component with fusion of the internal and external root sheaths. In place of a hair shaft, detritus of amorphous keratin is present.

22.72 斑秃,nanogen发:毛干显示上皮厚度减少,内外毛根鞘融合。毛干处,存在无定形角质物的碎屑。

In longstanding alopecia areata the majority of the hair follicles are in catagen and telogen. Since the inflammatory infiltrate does not affect follicles in these growth phases, inflammation may be absent in the subcutaneous tissue (Fig. 22.73).73,84 Inactive alopecia areata can resemble androgenetic alopecia with many miniaturized terminal follicles (Fig. 22.74).


Fig. 22.73 Alopecia areata, late stage (A, B): there is a remarkable increase in catagen/telogen follicles, and a sparse peribulbar lymphocytic infiltrate with stellae is evident.

22.73 斑秃,晚期(AB):退行期和休止期毛囊显著增加,毛球周围散在的淋巴细胞浸润伴毛囊索很明显。

Numerous stellae are present in the deep dermis and the subcutaneous tissue and these may be accompanied by an inflammatory cell infiltrate and melanin pigment(Fig. 22.75). In some cases there may be destruction of the hair follicle by the aforementioned infiltrate and histiocytes and giant cells (Fig. 22.76).


Fig. 22.74 Alopecia areata, late stage: the similarity to androgenetic alopecia is striking due to the extensive miniaturization and absence of an inflammatory cell infiltrate.Masson's trichrome stain.

22.74 斑秃,晚期:类似于雄激素源性脱发,因广泛的毛囊微小化且缺乏炎症细胞浸润。Masson三色法。

Fig. 22.75

Alopecia areata: different views of follicular stellae infiltrated by lymphocytes.

22.75 斑秃:淋巴细胞浸润毛囊索的不同视野。


未完待续 (浙江省人民医院皮肤科 陆威 译)2017-11-16