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Prognosis in alopecia areata isvariable and not very predictable in the individual patient. Nevertheless, it has been observed that theprognosis tends to be good in patients who have experienced hair growth withlonglasting remissions between episodes. Spontaneous remission can be expectedin 34–50% of patients within 1 year, although almost all will experience morethan one episode of the disease. Contrariwise,those who have had persistent hair loss or brief or incomplete remissions havea poor prognosis. Severity of alopecia areata at time of first consultation andresponse to therapy is an important prognostic factor.The outlook is particularly poor in those patients with onset of the diseasebefore puberty, those with a family history of the disease (present in 25% ofcases), and those with alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis.7 Atopic patients appear to suffer a more severe formof alopecia areata.




Pathogenesis andhistological features



Experimentalstudies have shown that alopecia areata is basically an organ-specificautoimmune disease thought to result from a collapse of hair follicle immuneprivilege, driven by cellular immunity with autoantibody production representinga secondary phenomenon. Autoantibodiesto a diverse range of antigens including smooth muscle cells, gastric parietalcells, thyroid cells, and components of anagen hair follicles have beendescribed.



It isunknown whether induction of the disease results from exposure to exogenous orendogenous antigens and whether it represents a consequence of an immunereaction to normal or aberrant epitopes. However, recent research suggests thatthe pathogenesis involves at least four events:

  • failureof the anagen hair follicle to maintain its privileged immunity (the inner rootsheath and hair matrix do not express, or express very low level of, majorhistocompatibility complex class Ia antigens and maintains an active NK cellsuppression) resulting in exposure of epitopes, which initiate an immuneresponse。

  • antigenpresentation, activation, and response of the lymphocyte to antigen-presentingcells,

  • migrationof activated inflammatory cells and infiltration of hair follicles,

  • damage tothe hair follicle by the inflammatory cell infiltrate.



  • 生长期毛囊不能维持其免疫耐受(内根鞘和毛基质不表达,或表达极低水平的主要组织相容性复合体Ia抗原并维持活跃的NK细胞抑制)引起抗原表位暴露,从而启动免疫应答。

  • 抗原呈递、淋巴细胞活化和对抗原呈递细胞的反应

  • 活化的炎症细胞迁移和毛囊浸润

  • 炎症细胞浸润损伤了毛囊


It has been proposed that neurotrophins playa role in the pathogenesis of the disease. These represent a family ofstructurally and functionally related proteins that are important not only inthe development and maintenance of cutaneous innervation but also in control ofhair follicle development and cycling. Since neurotrophins and their receptorsare differentially expressed in subsets of immune cells in alopecia areata, arole for these proteins in the pathogenesis appears likely.



The increased frequency of alopecia areata ingenetically related individuals suggests that there is a genetic link to thedisease. Amongst the general population the condition does not display amendelian pattern of expression since the resultingphenotype demonstrates variable degrees of hair loss. It has been proposed thatexpression of alopecia areata involves a complex interaction of multiple genes,in which major genes control susceptibility to the disease while other minorones modify the phenotype.



Manyillnesses with an autoimmune basis have been associated with specific humanleukocytic antigens (HLA). Alopecia areata has been studied in association withboth HLA class I and class II. The most relevant associations have been foundwith the HLA class II antigens (HLA-DR, -DQ, -DP). The molecular basis of thisgenetic association is supported by the fact that HLA binds and presentspeptides derived from self and foreign protein antigens to the immune systemfor recognition and activation. More than 80% of all cases evaluated in onestudy were positive for the antigen DQB1*03 (DQ3), suggesting that this antigenis a marker for susceptibility. Furthermore, in patients with alopecia totalisand universalis, the frequency of the antigens DRB1*0401 and DBQ1*0301 (DR4 andDQ7) is significantly increased. HLA-DR5 has been linked to the early-onset and severe form of alopeciaareata.

许多具有自身免疫基础的疾病与人类白细胞抗原(HLA)相关。斑秃已被研究证实与HLA I类和II类抗原均相关。已发现与HLA II类抗原(HLA-DR,-DQ,-DP)关联性最强。这种遗传关联的分子基础可被HLA结合并呈递来自自身和外源性蛋白抗原的肽类供免疫系统识别和激活的事实支持的。在一项研究中超过80%的病例DQB1 * 03DQ3)抗原阳性,表明该抗原可作为易感性的标记抗原。此外,在全秃和普秃患者中,DRB1 0401DBQ1 * 0301DR4DQ7)抗原的几率明显增加。HLA-DR5已被证实与早发和严重的斑秃相关。


Theeffect of stress on the pathogenesis is unclear and controversial, although ithasbeen suggested that it can trigger the disease. It has been observed that substance P and nerve growth factor could beacting as key mediators of stress-induced hair growth-inhibitory effects, throughkeratinocyte apoptosis, inhibition of hair follicle proliferation, and catageninduction.  On theother hand, stress in relation to alopecia areata was studied in a Turkishhospital after two consecutive earthquakes. The number of patients admittedwith alopecia areata before and after the earthquakes did not increase,suggesting that stress per se is not a primary trigger.




未完待续 (浙江省人民医院皮肤科 李亚丽博士译)2017-11-14